St. Petersburg
September 19-21, 2018
The Eurasian Women's Forum is the largest established international platform for discussing the role of women in contemporary society.
The Second Eurasian Women's Forum took place in the Tavrichesky Palace of Saint-Petersburg on September 19—21, 2018. Maintaining continuity with the first Forum, the programme of the Second Eurasian Women's Forum followed current international agenda and was consistent with the UN General Assembly Declaration titled "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."
The topic of the Forum was “Women for Global Security and Sustainable Development”. In the view of new realities, this topic was proven to comply with the growing demand for greater involvement of women in the solution of acute problems, as well as the search for effective responses to contemporary challenges, and their active engagement in socially oriented sustainable development.
In this regard, the Forum's most important themes focused on the empowerment of women and their role in politics, economy and establishing effective cooperation to support innovation, develop digital economy, ensure environmental security and promote charitable and humanitarian projects. The Forum was aimed at strengthening the processes of dialogue, integration and the development of international cooperation in general.
The second Eurasian Women’s Forum featured a number of international discussion platforms, meetings, open presentations and studies by international organisations and associations, including a special UNIDO session, a UNESCO expert platform, presentation of a report by the World Health Organisation, presentation of a research by the International Labour Organisation, as well as a meeting of the BRICS Women`s Business Alliance.
The Forum is not a one-time event which takes place once every three years. This is constant systematic work focused on addressing challenges within the country and Russia’s positioning in the world. Its results clearly show that Russia has become the world leader in the promotion of women’s agenda.
The Forum made it possible to form a team of like-minded enthusiasts promoting a new women's agenda which meets modern challenges and interests.
Programme of the Forum
The business program of the Forum includes plenary sessions, strategic sessions, expert and discussion platforms, including with opinion leaders, parity discussions, public-private and business dialogues, foresight sessions, webinars, workshops and business breakfasts.