Project coordinator
— Gumerova Liliya Salavatovna
Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture
Project coordinator
— Gumerova Liliya Salavatovna
Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture
Today, humankind faces new global challenges that pose significant risks to the economy, society, and the public administration system, but are also a source of new opportunities and development. Such challenges include:
- the growing threat of global pandemics as well as the emergence of new infections and the return of ones that have been eradicated
- increased life expectancy, an aging population, changing lifestyles, and the emergence of related new social and medical problems
- the growing influence over spheres of global significance, such as outer space, air space, the World Ocean, the Arctic, and Antarctica
- risks to human life and health resulting from the active use of natural resources and the growing manmade impact on the natural environment to extents that threaten its reproduction
- the increased volume of energy generation, storage, transmission, and use
- the need to ensure food security and competitiveness on global food markets and also ensure the availability and high quality of food
With this in mind, science and technology are among the key tools for responding to these challenges, as they not only play an important role in creating a sustainable trajectory for the further development of civilization, but also assessing the risks and possible dangers for humanity along this path.
This project will address issues related to the role of women scientists in the development of scientific knowledge that enables them to promptly respond to the global challenges of our time and also participate in the creation of technologies, products, and services that meet the national priorities of different countries and are essential to significantly improving people’s quality of life. We plan to prepare a section with the same name, which will be presented at the Third Eurasian Women’s Forum.
Promotional tools:
The creation of a permanent working group in charge of implementing the project ‘Women Scientists and the Global Challenges of Our Time’ of the Eurasian Women’s Forum
Developing proposals in the final communiqué of the section project ‘Women Scientists and the Global Challenges of Our Time’ at the Eurasian Women’s Forum
- parliamentary hearings (jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the theme ‘A Country’s Scientific Human Resources: Current State, Development Trends, and Tools for Growth’
- sections as part of the 7th Livadia International Humanitarian Forum in Yalta, which is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- videoconferences (together with the Russian Union of Rectors) on the theme ‘Projects of Young Scientists and their Practical Implementation’
- videoconference ‘Women and the Arctic’ (jointly with the Russian Geographical Society) timed to coincide with Russia’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council in 2021–2023
- scientific-practical conference ‘Women in Nuclear Physics’ (jointly with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- exhibitions ‘The Contribution of Women Scientists to the Development of Domestic Science and Inventions’ (jointly with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property)
Project partners: